Refund Policy
Buyers are more comfortable shopping with Allin Exporters as we provide returns, despites most buyers will never return an item. Allin Exporters have found that items with transparent return policies typically sell better than items that don't. Allin Exporters offer a buyer-friendly return policy. This helps us to qualify for customers' utmost satisfaction and attracting more buyers. We are offering the most clear and buyer-friendly return policy so that our buyers will feel relaxed while shopping with us.
Our expectations will be fulfilled only when Customer feels heart full satisfaction. However, if customer is dissatisfied with his/her purchase, he/she can just convey us by contacting our customer care. Kindly send us an email, quoting customers order id not more than fifteen days of our delivery. Customers are requested to insert the words "Refund Request" in case of the subject content of customers email. Customers can also opt for neatly written refund requests by postal mail to our contact address mentioned in the website with "Allin Exporters" on the headline.
Valuable items purchased by customer must be in their original unused (fresh) condition which should be unopened, the original packaging with any seal or shrink-wrap intact and also any labels still attached in order to be returned, unless only if there is a manufacturing defect from our side. These are the main conditions enabling us to sell the product as new product. Customer must need to remember that they should return the purchased item within 15 days from delivery date.
Customers are totally protected by a 100% money-back return policy. It's our commitment and our promise to our valuable customer. Allin Exporters deeply understand that from time to time customers may wish to return a product to us in certain unavoidable conditions apart from our timely delivery. That's why we have created this 15-days return policy which enables customers to return products to us in much original appropriate condition.
While returning, Please make sure that the oil should be unused.
The refund process will take about 10 to 12 business days, After Received the Products.
We must notify our beloved customers that they have no other legal right to return a product and receive a refund or exchange; customers will nonetheless be entitled to return a product to us. If the products are liable to deteriorate then the products may not be returned or refunded under our returns policy.
Products will be definitely refunded for the full price of any product properly returned by customers in accordance with the terms of this returns policy ([including / excluding] the original delivery charges and [including / excluding] the costs of returning the product to us).
Products are undoubtedly refunded for the complete value of any product properly came back by customers in accordance with the terms of this returns policy ([including / excluding] the first delivery charges and [including / excluding] the prices of returning the merchandise to us).
Note: We won't issue a refund until the product has returned back to us in unused condition. All things are subject to a restocking fee; this may be subtracted from customers refund. We have a tendency to conjointly don't refund the first shipping and handling that customers just paid on the order.